Jasmin Fors's (b. 1972) artistic work is founded on her education as a pianist. She started playing the piano at the age of five under the direction of Ritva-Tuuli Ahonen, attended Rauno Jussila’s piano class at the Lahti Conservatory, and completed her studies at the Sibelius Academy with Jussi Siirala and Matti Raekallio. She familiarised herself with composing for her first work, Four Pastiches for Piano (2003), which she wrote just before graduating. After this, her focus shifted towards fine arts in the form of art history studies and portrait painting in particular. The period included intensive drawing and painting and several trips both in Finland and abroad to study and paint. During these trips, she acquainted herself with the works of artists she admired.
Later, Fors’s artistic work concentrated on music, fine arts, and literature. Her oeuvre include painted and drawn portraits, compositions, poems, stories, and especially during recent years, piano recordings. A comprehensive listing of Fors's works is available on her website in the form of an artistic diary.
In addition to her own works, Fors has recorded piano music by other Finnish composers. The recordings are included in the Piano Blend collections, accompanied by CDs (published by Uusinta Kustannusosakeyhtiö in 2010 and 2013). Fors has also created a video series featuring Chopin interpretations, Chopin@Home – Recording Series (YouTube).
Drawn with Autobiographite, released at the end of 2021, is Jasmin Fors' debut solo album, which she has also produced for her own Villajasmin label. Liszt's Sonata in B minor and Chopin's Ballades in G and F minor – the heart of the album – evoked a vision, where the composers draw their musical self-portraits with their highly expressive and personal pencil marks on the piano staff. Chopin's Trois nouvelles études, a set of smaller musical gems, complemented the recording.
The album concept expanded into an autobiographical and multiartistic project. Two stories about creativity, the composers and their art were written for the album booklet: "Reaching for the Graal of Art and Life" inspired by Liszt's Sonata is a description of an artist’s turbulent dive into an expanding and maturing reality, while "Thinking Chopin" is an attempt to capture something of the unique power of art, where reason and emotion meet as equals, thus also enabling harmony between them. The self-portrait drawn on the cover finally complemented the overall concept of the album: Music, writings and drawings all illuminate the same, fascinating subject, The Portrait of Man – Drawn with Autobiographite.
Drawn with Autobiographite has received positive reviews both at home and abroad, with the honor of being included in YLE / Kare Eskola's New Records program (March 2022) and in the prestigious International Piano magazine (June, July/August 2022). The masterpieces of Chopin and Liszt, the Romantic ideas that inspired their creativity, the challenges and possibilities of artistic creation, musical expression etc. are discussed in the magazine's Personal Touch interview in June 2022.
In addition to her artistic projects, Fors enjoys teaching music.
Jasmin Fors's website has been acknowledged by the Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation, the leading web archiving service for collecting and accessing cultural heritage on the web, and it is included in the recording programmes of the music libraries at several universities in the United States.